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“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

The first impression of your website determines how your customers perceive you and your services. We work with you to conclude whether a relaunch or a new development is the right fit for you. In doing so, we focus on questions such as “What are the goals of your website?”, “Which message do you want to deliver?”, “What type of website is optimal for your users’ needs?”.


In close coordination with you, we eveluate the front-end design that best fits your user interface or the applicable content management system (CMS). We check the development of central interfaces (APIs) for existing systems and prerequisites for optimal performance; only if all parts work both separately and integrated, you will get the right Website Solution from us.


Our services

We conceptualize, design and develop your website, landing page or web application. With or without CMS, in system-independent developments or as an individually created frontend prototype, we consult with you to find the best solution. Through our agile approach, across all disciplines, we can respond quickly and flexibly to your requests. Whether you need a standard solution or innovative individual development—we tailor our services to your needs.


Conception & User Experience Design


“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” This famous quote by Steve Jobs is more than just a phrase to us. It forms the foundation of our work process, which takes your product from a vision to market readiness and beyond.
At the core of our design conception and philosophy lies design thinking, which operates on the premise of “explore, build, test, and repeat.” Our unique selling point is the integration of coding and design expertise. This combination ensures that your site performs optimally and facilitates faster development processes. We consciously prioritise design decisions based on customer analysis and iterative prototyping, which are refined through multiple user tests, resulting in optimal user experiences. By implementing code reviews following the 4-eyes principle and facilitating pairing sessions among our developers, we establish a high standard of code quality. This, in turn, enables you to continuously enhance your website's development, even in the long term.
You don't know where to start or you want to tackle a complex design problem efficiently? With Design sprints we guide you to creative solutions in a week.

Frontend Development


Frontend Development is a central part of our portfolio. From the pure delivery of the interface to the connection to RESTful backends, we offer modular, scalable and performant solutions. Whether HTML prototype, integration of dynamic interfaces, web apps (eg., single page applications) with modern JavaScript frameworks like Svelte, React, Vue, Angular etc.—our solutions are individually tailored to your needs. By developing component libraries and creating design systems, we achieve a touchpoint-spanning, coherent digital representation of your product.
Programming Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) as a mobile website with the user experience of a native app and offline capability is also part of our portfolio. Learn more about the benefits of a PWA in our video.

Full Stack & custom development


Reactive frontend frameworks like React, Vue, Angular and Svelte place new demands on web applications today. That's why we implement backend systems with server-side rendering to achieve excellent performance for your website as well as unifying the view layers in front-end and back-end. We develop microservices to create APIs for existing and new systems. Basically, we focus on Node.js, but we also implement microservices in other languages. We develop or extend your software architecture to integrate modern requirements and development methods. We place great emphasis on software quality, and to ensure efficiency and maintainability, we employ a test-driven development (TDD) approach. Our applications are automatically tested and deployed—several times a day if necessary. The teams assume responsibility for the product, encompassing everything from front-end development to back-end integration, as well as operations on cloud infrastructure or on-premises. 

Decathlon Case

Content Management Systems & Digital Experience Platforms


Data, interfaces, and information in the right place at the right time—our solutions showcase your content optimally at every touchpoint, ensuring sustainability, security, high performance, and a user-centric approach. Whether it involves systems like TYPO3, Storyblok, Contentstack, or Contentful, further developments, or customizations, we are your go-to partner for portals, marketplaces, and digital experience platforms.
With our many years of experience and certified developers, we evaluate the current status of your website and recommend the right measures individually for your system and your needs.

Digital Accessibility (a11y)


At hmmh, we are united in our mission with our clients to make web products accessible to everyone by employing digital accessibility. This encompasses users who depend on assistive technologies, such as screen readers and alternative input options, to seamlessly interact with web content without limitations. Accessibility is firmly integrated into the SCRUM workflow and user tests are conducted with a focus on accessibility. Learn more about digital accessibility at hmmh now.

hmmh: Your partner for Digital Consulting


We create innovation through interdisciplinary teams in which you too play a key role.


We always focus on utility and put ourselves in your and your customers’ shoes.


We adopt an agile approach to market your solution flexibly, punctually, and in high quality.

Selected Website Solutions references

New ways to get the best search result

Together with DECATHLON, we developed an innovative solution for the primary navigation within the shop in a design sprint and implemented it with an interdisciplinary team.

  • User-centred design through design sprint and user tests
  • Middleware based on Node.js and Express Frontend based on Svelte
  • Agile development in an integrated team with the client


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Collaboration for Corporate B2B-Website

New design and new content management system—Weidmüller, the leader in electrical and electronic connection systems, relied on our frontend and design know-how for its new corporate website.

Frontend and design for B2B corporate site
Seamless collaboration with customers and CMS service providers
Restructured user guidance and greatly improved content maintenance

Corporate Site and Intranet on common TYPO3 code basis

For the Swiss energy services provider Alpiq, hmmh relaunched the intranet and corporate site on two mostly identical TYPO3 systems. Functions and layouts can now be maintained quickly, easily and consistently.

  • CMS with a common code base
  • Easy maintenance and further development of both appearances
  • Automated data migration from the legacy system


Creativity right on schedule

With design sprints, hmmh leads its customers to new paths in product development. Our customer Plan.One made use of our offer and benefitted from new product ideas—quickly developed and tested in an interdisciplinary team.

  • New ideas for complex tasks
  • Rapid prototype testing
  • Efficient and structured solution finding

Agile Consulting & Frontend Development

Sports equipment manufacturer SportScheck relies on our expertise for the agile relaunch of its online shop.

  • Concept & interface design
  • Developing the shop frontend
  • Agile consulting


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LR Health & Beauty
CMS- & frontend development

We are an important partner for the digital presence of this successful health & beauty company.

  • Development of international portals & landingpages
  • Technical design to expand interfaces
  • Automatic assignment of sales partners

Lübecker Bucht Guide
Digital travel guide as progressive web app

Lübecker Bucht is the first destination in German tourism to use a “progressive web app” (PWA) as a guide for holidays. The goal of the app is to improve the holiday experience. It offers users a variety of content. From resort selection, accommodation booking, outdoor active routes and an event calendar, to a personal watch list for event favorites and restaurant reservations—all in one web app.

  • No installation necessary
  • For all popular mobile phones and browsers
  • Offline usable & always up to date
  • LR Health & Beauty | Website Solutions
  • VTG | Website Solutions
  • 1&1 | Website Solutions
  • EnergieDienst | Website Solutions
  • Sportscheck | Website Solutions
  • Eppendorf | Website Solutions
  • AllSecur| Website Solutions
  • HanseMerkur | Website Solutions
  • Auto Club Europa e.V. | Website Solutions
  • Deurag | Website Solutions
  • Eddie Bauer | Website Solutions

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Your contact persons

If you would like to get more information just get in touch with us personally.

Kerstin Seidel
Unit Director


Kevin Heil
Unit Director


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